Qiqi Bot

If you need a beginner guide, click here


如果你需要中文版的文档,请点击此处 (If you need to Chinese version documentation, click here)


Qiqi Bot is a Discord Bot programmed by Discord.py. It has various functionalities to provide you a great experience with Discord.

About Qiqi

The word "Qiqi" originates from the game Genshin Impact. In the game, Qiqi is a cute and interesting character due to her own experience. Therefore, when the coder created this bot, he decided to choose this character as the bot's name.

At this point, the Qiqi Bot is NOT open-source, but it is totally free-to-use (no extra payment at all).

Supported Language

Qiqi supports multi-language! All translations will be based on your Discord client language by default. The language is user-based, which means Qiqi can respond to members in the server with different languages. Also, you could manually switch the language of the bot by setlang command. Though Qiqi only supports en-US (American English) and zh-CN (Simplified Chinese) at this moment, more languages are going to be supported later.

How to Invite Qiqi Bot to My Server?

You could invite Qiqi Bot through Top.gg/discordbotlist by searching the keyword "Qiqi". You could also copy and paste the following link to your browser to invite Qiqi Bot to your server:

    Link to invite Qiqi

    Qiqi support server


This part shows all the commands that Qiqi Bot has. The commands divides into five parts:

For demonstration purposes, the command default prefix is "/" for all examples in this document.

    The prefix / is slash command and it always works. You could also specify your server custom prefix to call commands. (default as q!)

Use /help to view all commands within different categories.

Use /help <command> for descriptions for a specific command name.

Genshin Impact Commands

Genshin Impact commands by Qiqi Bot mainly focus on the calculations of characters and weapons in this game. It can also support to check all the materials related to the characters,weapons, and related materials.

    All Genshin Impact commands supports both English and 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese). The result of language is determined by the language of command name.

Also, Qiqi Supports glossaries for official names. You can also use common glossaries for searching information. (Example: /char ayaya for kamisato ayaka). If you think there is a common glossary that is not included, feel free to contact the developer for a patch~

There is a small chance that you might see characters with themed outfits when you use commands(char, talents, cons). (Just for fun)

Compatible with Game Version: 3.8 (Sangonomiya Kokomi - Drifting Luminescence | Wanderer - From Ashes Reborn)


The Genshin Impact database for Qiqi is currently outdated. Developer has currently working on this but this requires a lot of work.

Music Commands

Qiqi loves playing music for you! It can play the music by YouTube video by url/keywords, Bilibili video by url/keywords, Netease music by url/keywords, Spotify music by url/keywords. It is recommended that Qiqi has manage_messages permission for playing music. If you search the music by keywords, Qiqi will return you 5 choices for you to choose. Isn't that nice?

    Something nicer is that Qiqi now supports to load your custom playlist from mystb.in website. So you can choose your tracks from YouTube, Bilibili, Netease, and Spotify in a single playlist! (Check out Music Custom Playlist)

    Something much nicer is that Qiqi also supports personal (cross-server) favorite playlist in discord. You could add your favorite songs in your own favorites and play it. (See more descriptions Music Favorites)

Music Custom Playlist

    To design your custom playlist, there are 5 steps you need to follow!

  1. you need to go to mystb.in to create your playlist.

  2. You need to paste your music url one for each line. You could optionally add a short name (32 character maximum) for this url (strongly suggested). There should be a space between the url and the name. There should not be anything else except the music url and short name. Four websites (Netease, Bilibili, and YouTube, Spotify) are supported and you can mix them in one playlist!

    Example of a line (suggested): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WPl7p-EVHg of Liyue Clouds and Seas

    Example of a line (works, but not suggested): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WPl7p-EVHg

    Warning: There must be a space between url and the short name. No other symbols (e.g. :,#!.-+^/;) allowed.

  3. After you finished creating the playlist, you click the "Save Paste" button. The url will be automatically copied to your clipboard.

  4. Check the url area of your browser. After the quick save, mystb.in will give you a permanent link to your playlist.

  5. Use /playcp to play this custom playlist or /savecp to save your playlist by Qiqi.

(If you are still confused about how to create the playlist, see FAQ section question 9 and also you could ask this in Qiqi Discord Support Server)

    Important fact


Music Favorites

    Qiqi Bot can remember your own favorite tracks and you could play them cross-server. There's a 100 songs maximum for you. Also, you could export it to mystb.in to make it a custom playlist.

    Commands about Favorites are all private (conversation only shown to you) except playfavorite command if you use slash prefix /

Fun Commands

Fun commands are open to everyone in the server except the muted users. All the user commands have no restricted permissions. More commands are coming soon. And please contact me to brainstorm more ideas. Have Fun!

Admin Commands

Admin commands are designed for the convenience for managing server. In order to use managing commands, users need different permissions based on commands. For permissions, if the user is administrator, then that user does NOT need any permission below and still can process these commands.

Utility Commands

    Utility commands are some useful commands about the bot itself. For example, like monitoring Qiqi bot information, invite Qiqi Bot to a new server, and so on.


  1. Why the bot fails to invite to my server?

    Don't rush to give a bad review please. The bot is applied to discord for verification. Before the verification is done, the bot can only add up to 75 servers. You could join the Qiqi Bot server to know the newest update and invite link.

  2. Why the bot may sometime unresponding?

    This may due to the reasons that the the developer is modifying the bot configuration on the backside. Usually, this won't take a long time. Detailed update information are always announced in the Qiqi support server.

  3. I forgot my bot custom prefix?

    You could always @ the bot in the text channel, then bot will return the current custom prefix that your server set. Also, you can always use / for slash command.

  4. Why Qiqi told me that I sent commands too fast?

    Qiqi will detect the frequency of a user entering commands. If the user sends it too fast, Qiqi will set a cooldown for him to cool him down! Normal uses will mostly not be affected by Qiqi's cooldown.

  5. Why Qiqi sometimes failed to play my music?

    Qiqi could experience that fails to play music from YouTube. But this is mostly a YouTube side problem, bot developer still trying to find another way out.

    If the music is still in the queue (you could check it by /queue) and the music doesn't automatically play, try /unpause the music. This might happen due to a network connection problem on Discord.

  6. Why tempmute doesn't automatically unmute the user?

    This could happen if Qiqi Bot restarts by update restarts. If this happens to you, you can manually unmute the person by /unmute @user. Developer is seeking for a better way to solve this. Also, it would be a good suggestion to join the Qiqi Bot Support Server since all the updates and Bot restarts will be told in the "Updates announcements channel" in the support server.

  7. Why my admin commands are not working for some members?

    This is because you need to change the role hierarchy level of Qiqi to higher level. This is not a complicated setup, only with 3 steps in the picture below! You must at least have a manage_roles permissions to do this (admin is recommended). Here are the picture!

  8. Why translate command never translate to the language that I specified?

    This is because you need to specify the target language before your text. And don't forget to mention it first and then followed by your text. Example(translate to spanish): /translate es hello!

  9. Why mystb.in doesn't give me the permanent link / How should I save my custom playlist?

    When you finish designing custom playlist, you should click the "Save Paste" button on the top right position of the webpage.

    After clicking the "Save Paste" button, you could now see the link is automatically copied to your clipboard, which means you could ctrl+v to paste it to anywhere you want.

    You could take this url and interact with Qiqi. For example: the playcp command.

  10. Why I cannot see the DM invitation link Qiqi sent me?

    This is because you turned off the "direct message from server member" permission under your "privacy & safety" category. You can turn it on and type invite again to receive latest invitation link.

  11. How to enable slash command in my server?

    It is really simple to enable the slash command by only 1 command /enableslash (You only need to use this command for once) and follows the instruction by the response. If you invite Qiqi after 06/15/2022, slash is automatically enabled.

  12. Why my actions about favorite list (except playfavorite) can still be seen by other members in the server?

    It is because you need to use slash command prefix / to call these commands instead of server custom prefix. (Discord does not support "only you can see this" for commands that are called without slash command prefix).

  13. Why am I getting [Err:403] when playing a song?

    There is a small chance of countering 403 error while trying to play music. And this is not part of error or code bug of Qiqi Bot. It is an error on YouTube side. If you encountered this error and wanted to play it again, the fastest way is to use /playhistory 1 to make Qiqi load the song again.

  14. Why am I getting [Err:400] when playing Netease music?

    For now, Nearly all [Err:400] error happens when you try to play a Netease playlist or Spotify playlist/album. Don't worry about this error. It mostly means the specified music cannot be played on Netease/Spotify side due to copyrights issue. If the song can actually be played in your Netease/Spotify Music app, you are welcomed to contact developer for a quick fix.

  15. How can I view the playlists of the netease user that I set?

    Simply by /mynetease without any other input. Then Qiqi will show you the netease user "linked" to you if applicable.

  16. I got so confused on the new play/bilibili/netease/spotify commands.

    Basically Qiqi keeps the functionality of play command as it was (before v1.4) and added three new commands: bilibili, netease, and spotify. See this table below for knowing what they can do.

    YouTube video by urlYesNoNoNo
    YouTube video by keywordsYesNoNoNo
    Bilibili video by url/avid/bvidYesYesNoNo
    Bilibili video by keywordsNoYesNoNo
    Netease music by urlYesNoYesNo
    Netease music by keywordsNoNoYesNo
    Spotify track by urlYesNoNoYes
    Spotify track by keywordsNoNoNoYes
  17. Why Qiqi can play songs by URL but fail to respond for searching keywords?

    (This should not happen after 01/31/2023). Simply because Qiqi doesn't have the permission manage_messages. (This is included in the default invite url). But if you want to modify invite url, please make sure Qiqi has manage_messages permission.

  18. Why my custom playlist does not load the track(song)s' name correctly but showing "A song from ..."?

    This is because of the Qiqi Bot updates on The track will still be all loaded to the queue with correct order. But if you want to have a name for them, you need to add a short name after your url in your custom playlist. Here are the line of example showing the changes.

    Before (still work, but no detailed name for each track): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WPl7p-EVHg

    After (strongly suggested): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WPl7p-EVHg 璃月云海

  19. How does the multi-language works with Qiqi?

    Don't get confused for the multi-language. It works by the logic in the following table. (auto detection means you don't manually set the language by default, or use setlang auto).

     Auto DetectionManually setlang
    slash prefixDiscord Software LanguageSet language
    message custom prefixEnglishSet language

    You could manually set the language (so that it is different with discord software language) by: /setlang <language> as long as the language you provided is supported by Qiqi.

  20. How does the new updated fortune command function?

    The updated fortune command works similar as the original. It is a daily command but instead of setting a hard cooldown of 1 day, it resets everyday at 9:00 GMT, which is similar to the Genshin Impact daily refresh. Also, you could optionally add one invocation word for your fortune command. (E.g. /fortune myword).

    Also, If your fortune result is "extreme lucky" (chosen luck), you could choose to upload the record to the ranking to compete with other users from Qiqi worldwide.


    The probability of extremely lucky (chosen luck) is approximately 7.7


    For more privacy statements with the "upload record", check policy statement

    In addition, if your daily fortune result is unlucky (or very lucky), you could have a small chance to get "second chance" to get a new daily fortune slip.


    The probability of getting second chance is approximately 10%39.6%​ (only if you get unlucky first. Chance depends on first unlucky percentage and higher unlucky will get have higher probability to get second chance).

    You could choose/not choose to use the second chance.

    You will not get another chance after the second chance.

    Furthermore, based on the testings, adding invocation will affect the final result in some ways but Qiqi does not know it will make your result good or bad. It is all about luck and randomness.

  21. How can I know the latest update and new features?

    You could join the Qiqi Bot Support Server. Here is the link

    Bubu Pharmacy - Qiqi support server


    Aliases is for users who would like to call the command differently than the primary one. For example, you could call command "play" with /play. But Qiqi also supports you to call this command by /p, /listen for your convenience. (They are the same. Just a command with different alias). If you would like to add an alias for a command, feel free to contact developer.

    Important Note!!!: slash command only supports primary name version of the command name. (discord limitation). You can only call command use aliases by server custom prefix.

    Another Important Note: Due to Discord limit of 100 slash commands, Qiqi has no choice but to remove slash access for some commands. (they can still be called by custom prefix). Check the column 'Slash Command?' for slash command availability.

Policy Statement

Terms and Services

Version Tracker


Version tracker will display all the versions of Qiqi Bot except minor/bug fixes update before Version Beta

P.S: Version Tracker will not include all the versions during the development stage. It will record the stable release version only.

Version No.Updated Time (MM/DD/YYYY)Update Detailed Info fortune-ranking to start season 1 the saving issue of custom user language | Fixed interaction not respond of "first time accomplish" in fortune-ranking different ranking (including personal best) for fortune-ranking and fixed minor issues skip laterfunctionality fortune command mechanism the check of #/ and /home optional for Netease Music url several typos in zh-CN (simplified Chinese) translation files. the remaining time for records of the queue to 2 hours instead of 30 seconds | Fixed the incorrect message of setlang command | Some minor bugs/typos music internals, especially queue mechanism which significantly improve performance | Add translations to support multi-language and setlang for user to manually set the language | Add blacklist, nekogirl commands | Reconstructure roll command and removebmi, calcgpa, gpascale | playhistory now supports a range of tracks | Fixed bugs/typos RuntimeError related to prefixes and music the bug of 403 from various music sources Genshin DB to be compatible with second half game ver 3.8 (Sangonomiya Kokomi | Wanderer) | Fixed the issue of frequent 403 Forbidden from Bilibili | Added developer tools outfits for characters (small chance to be picked) | Update Genshin DB to be compatible with first half game ver 3.8 (Eula | Klee) | Added developer tools various bugs about clear and bilibili <keyword> | Improve bilibili search speed by keywords. weapon commandto check basic weapon info | Updated Genshin DB to be compatible with second half game ver 3.7 (Alhaitham | Kaedehara Kazuha) | Added developer tools | Corrected typos and fixed bugs Genshin DB to be compatible with first half game ver 3.7 (Yoimiya | Yae Miko) | Fixed various bugs Qiqi performance | Temporarily removed volume command various bugs | Improved Qiqi performance | Added developer tools Spotify Music as new music source. Supports multiple commands for Spotify track/playlist/album/artist: spotify, spotifyplaylist, spotifyalbum, spotifyartist | Added volume command for all music | Update Genshin DB to be compatible with second half game ver 3.6 (Baizhu | Ganyu) | Added developer tools to better monitor Qiqi | Optimized code improvement for better performance | Fixed bugs and typos display-preference for exportfavorite | Updated help commands display-preference for playfavorite, addfavorite, and deletefavorite command chronological sort option for viewfavorite command | Improved export command output by splitting queue and history to two playlists | Improved export and exportfavorite commands to export with both url and name | Dramatically improved the performance for commands called by custom prefix | Improved bot stat collection | Improved description of some commands and fixed typos | Updated Genshin DB to be compatible with first half game ver 3.6 (Nahida | Nilou) custom playlist's tracks number position info for the queue custom playlist logic and lift the maximum to 100 tracks, and allowed to add a short name to each url (recommended) | Updated Genshin DB to be compatible with first half game ver 3.5 (Dehya | Cyno) | Improve reset command functionality | Fixed various bugs Genshin DB to be compatible with second half game ver 3.4 (Hu Tao | Yelan) | Updated dev tools bot's logic to ignore "manage_messages" permission | Escape characters for spoiler msg on discord | Updated on_voice_state_update logic and remove prompt message | Updated Genshin DB to be compatible with first half game ver 3.4 (Alhaitham | Xiao) | Fixed minor bugs Genshin DB to be compatible with second half game version 3.3 (Raiden Shogun | Kamisato Ayato) | Fixed typos and added glossaries to Genshin DB various bugs over command "mynetease", "viewfavorite", and "help". music favorite maximum songs from 30 to 100 | Change the loading logic for music favorite | Lower the command cooldown of playfavorite | Fix various bugs over voteskip, favorite, auditlog ...etc and remove blockings | Updated Genshin_DB weapon entry | Improve safety of database "jump to specific page?" button option for command queue/history Genshin DB to be compatible with first half game version 3.3 (Wanderer | Arataki Itto) Genshin DB to be compatible with second half game version 3.2 (Yae Miko | Tartaglia) | Fixed custom prefix bugs | Fixed Genshin DB typos and bugs | Update backend-services position searching in the queue for track by keywords | Added cancellation feature for sleep command | Restore top.gg autoposting | Fixed bugs | Enhanced user experience Netease Music as new music source. Supports multiple commands for netease music/playlist/user: netease,  neteaseplaylistneteaseusermyneteaseplaymyneteasenewsongs | Added keywords search for Bilibili video | Added sleep command for sleep timer | Updated Genshin DB to be compatible with first half game version 3.2 (Nahida | Yoimiya) | Fixed bugs | Enhanced user experience Genshin DB to be compatible with second half game version 3.1 (Nilou | Albedo) | Fixed reversed translation issue of genshin weapon calculation keep alive error/unavailable connection reuse bug for streaming live music functionality to post server count on top.gg | Fixed music command bugs | Fixed typos | Added alias Genshin DB to be compatible with first half game version 3.1(Cyno | Venti) the talent-calc exception handler Genshin DB to be compatible with second half game version 3.0 (Ganyu | Sangonomiya Kokomi) | Updated images for weapon calculation | Fixed typos the functionalities of command savecp the functionalities of commands export | playcp | exportfavorite Genshin DB to be compatible with first half game version 3.0 (Tighnari | Zhongli) | Improve results about traveler in Genshin DB | Fixed typos updated mystb.in python API wrapper (old version) Genshin DB to be compatible with second half game version 2.8 (Yoimiya) | Updated GenshinDB fuzzy words the favorite playlist for user to manage their own favorite songs (cross-server) | Added more music commands restart, seek, forward, rewind | Improved voteskip vote-pass logic | Fixed bugs | Enhanced user experience the bug of stop command for newly added server Genshin DB to be compatible with first half game version 2.8 (Kaedehara Kazuha | Klee) reset command for music (admin) | Fix ClientException for joining failure if manually disconnected by user previously | Fix voice state update message if the bot itself disconnects the bot to re-achieve expired music url if 403 error is detected. the error for only loading first song in the custom playlist if called playcp by slash repeat single command for newly added song | Improve play command user experience on mobile side (application not responds) | Enhanced Qiqi Bot service Genshin DB to second half game version 2.7 (Arataki Itto) | Enhanced user experience slash commands for all existing commands (hybrid) | Improve ui from reaction to buttons | Custom help page | Add fun command, fix bugs, enhanced user experience logging for discord to monitor bot performance and errors | Fixed custom playlist bugs Genshin DB to first half game version 2.7 (Yelan) Genshin DB to second half game version 2.6 (Kamisato Ayaka) custom playlist from mystb.in support with series of command(playcp, savecp, viewcp, deletecp) | Added gif picture commands for fun (pat, hug, cry, cuddle) | Fixed severe bugs noticed and enhance user experience professional database for its data | Added nowplaying, repeat all, history, playhistory, voteskip, export for music commands | Added weather, qiqi, time, wolfram, translate for fun commands | Enhanced User Experience Genshin DB to first half game version 2.6 (Kamisato Ayato | Venti) roll, rollrepeat commands | Updated Genshin DB to second half of game version 2.5 (Raiden Shogun) Genshin DB to first half game version 2.5 (Yae Miko) user-experience with commands: mute, unmute, tempmute | Fixed minor bugs (Now mute commands can still work without admin perms) added admin commands: deafen, undeafen, audit | Update Genshin Impact database to second half of game version 2.4 (Zhongli | Ganyu) | Fixed minor bugs | Enhanced User experiences added Genshin Impact command: char (check character basic info), talents (check all talents for character), cons (check all constellations for character) | Added admin commands: mute (mute a user in both text and voice channels), unmute, tempmute (temporarily mute by specific time period) Genshin DB to first half game version 2.4 (Shenhe) | Added new commands fortune and userinfo | Fixed minor bugs and data missing in Genshin DB. to Migrating to new cloud service | Added userinfo function site-packages info | Added response message for repeat function | Fixed counting error in jump function response message Genshin DB to second half game version 2.3 (Arataki Itto) | Fixed @ bug on error handler music repeat (single only), policy, credits | Enhanced user experience and lower down spamming possibilities | Fixed minor bugs typos of Bot responses developer functions support to website Bilibili for music prefixes not found with default prefix setting responding with error message if command not found music jump and shuffle incorrect message response if timeout Impact / Music function published Impact function completed. not published Restructure completed. not published combined version. not published

Special Thanks

Qiqi will never forget those who have helped her.
